Photo credit Georgio Sabino III
When I hear either one of these voices sometimes I shiver because it was an amazing time to follow and record the history.
Photo credit Georgio Sabino III
When I hear either one of these voices sometimes I shiver because it was an amazing time to follow and record the history.
NASA Cleveland — Georgio Sabino III with NASA –Glazing at the Stars
Kelleys Island is both a village in Erie County, Ohio, United States, and the island which it fully occupies in Lake Erie. Originally known by the British as “Sandusky Island”, but later officially designated by the U.S. as Island Number 6 and Cunningham Island, it was renamed ‘Kelleys Island’ in 1840 by brothers Datus and Irad Kelley, who had purchased nearly the entire island.
Check out six wedding photographers for your area. We have several for you to choose.
Georgio Sabino III – GS3 Photography #ColumbusOhio, #ClevelandOhio, #CincinnatiOhio, #GSPhotography
Christopher Yoshito CY Photography #Atanta #ChristopherYoshito
Richard Madry RM Photography #MadPhotography #ColumbusOhio
Richard Durrah Photography RD Photography #RDPhotography