Category Archives: GS3 Art & Nature

Experience the Deep Roots of Georgio Sabino III

GS3 is not just a visual artist; he’s a maestro orchestrating a symphony of creativity across multiple disciplines. With accolades as a painter, photographer, designer, author, and educator, he has woven a rich tapestry of artistic innovation and inspiration.

Having been twice invited twice to The White House to capture moments of historic significance during President Obama’s tenure, Sabino’s lens has witnessed the essence of power and poise. As the current CEO/Founder of a Startup at GS3 Innovation, he continues to shape the artistic landscape with his visionary leadership.

His journey is not confined to the studio; it extends to the corridors of academia and the bustling streets of community engagement. Institutions like Virginia Marti, Ursuline College, Studio Institute (NYC) and Cuyahoga Community Colleges have been illuminated by his presence, as he tirelessly imparts knowledge and ignites passion in budding artists.\

Cleveland Scene Magazine Article

Sabino’s artistry transcends conventional boundaries, seeking to evoke emotion and provoke thought through a vibrant tapestry of colors and lines. Each piece is a journey, a dialogue between contrasting elements that beckon the viewer to delve deeper into the layers of meaning. “I am looking forward to Georgio’s new work of art,” shared Hector Vega, a pioneer in the art scene in Cleveland and Puerto Rico.

With a keen eye for design principles and a pioneering spirit for technology, Sabino pushes the boundaries of art into the realm of augmented reality. His creations not only captivate the senses but also invite interaction, blurring the lines between the physical and the digital.

Cool Cleveland 1 and Cool Cleveland 2 by @AnastasiaPantsios photographer

Sabino’s project is a bold fusion of painting, fashion, and technology, seamlessly weaving together traditional mediums with cutting-edge innovations. At the heart of his work lies a compelling narrative about the transformative power of technology, challenging viewers to reimagine the possibilities of creative expression in the digital age. “I am eagerly awaiting the fresh new colors and artistic expressions that will illuminate with vibrancy, depth, and the boundless creativity of Georgio,” said Bruce Conforti, an artist contemporary.

Assembly For the Arts

But Sabino’s vision extends beyond mere technological perception; it is rooted in a profound exploration of the creative process itself. Through his meticulous craftsmanship and thoughtful material choices, Sabino invites us to delve into the depths of artistic innovation and cultural evolution. The Mind!

Canvas Rebel Magazine

For Sabino, art is not just a medium of expression; it’s a gateway to self-discovery. Through his work, he invites the audience to explore their own polyrhythmic identities, to embrace the complexity of the human experience, and to find solace in the beauty of creation. As he continues to forge connections with artist pioneers like Giancarlo Calicchia on a project and nurture emerging talent, Georgio Sabino III remains a beacon of creativity, illuminating the path towards a more vibrant and interconnected artistic landscape globally. GS3’s next mission is Paris and Tanzania Africa.

CANN Journal Magazine

Experience the Deep Roots of Georgio Sabino III

Experience the intersection of art, technology, and innovation at the upcoming exhibition by visionary artist Georgio Sabino III. Set to take place at the esteemed “Deep Roots Experience” Art Gallery from May 24th through June 15, 2024, this showcase promises to be a transformative journey into the future of artistic expression.

Sabino’s project is a bold fusion of art, fashion, and technology, seamlessly weaving together traditional mediums with cutting-edge innovations. At the heart of his work lies a compelling narrative about the transformative power of technology, challenging viewers to reimagine the possibilities of creative expression in the digital age.

One of the most striking aspects of Sabino’s exhibition is his integration of augmented reality (AR) technology into the artwork. Through the use of AR, viewers will have the opportunity to interact with Sabino’s art pieces in a whole new dimension, blurring the lines between the physical and digital realms. This immersive experience promises to captivate audiences and push the boundaries of traditional artistry. “We are thrilled to see Georgio Sabino III’s art exhibition at Deep Roots Experience,” said Bruce Conforti, an artist contemporary.

But Sabino’s vision extends beyond mere technological perception; it is rooted in a profound exploration of the creative process itself. Through his meticulous craftsmanship and thoughtful material choices, Sabino invites us to delve into the depths of artistic innovation and cultural evolution. The Mind!

Collaboration lies at the heart of Sabino’s practice, and this exhibition is no exception. Renowned Ghanaian artist Nana Kwesi Agyare-Ansah joins forces with Sabino to bring his unique perspective to the showcase, adding layers of depth and diversity to the narrative. Hector Vega shared “I am looking forward to Georgio’s new artwork.

Moreover, Sabino’s interdisciplinary approach extends beyond the realm of visual art. With contributions from Rachel Thompson of CCAD and DJ Mood of Columbus, Ohio, the exhibition promises to be a multisensory experience that transcends traditional boundaries.

Under the guidance of curator David Ramsey, this avant-garde exhibition has garnered attention from art enthusiasts, fashion aficionados, and technology enthusiasts alike. Sabino’s visionary fusion of painting, photography, and technology offers a glimpse into a future where creativity knows no bounds.

As you step into the “Deep Roots Experience” Art Gallery, prepare to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery. With Sabino’s art as your guide, you’ll be transported to a world where innovation reigns supreme and the possibilities are endless. Georgio invites you to be part of this groundbreaking exhibition—it’s an experience.

Synthesis: Art, Fashion, and AR in the Artworld I

In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art, Georgio Sabino III emerges as a luminary, orchestrating a mesmerizing symphony of art, fashion, and technology in his visionary project set to grace the esteemed halls of Deep Roots Experience and the Cleveland Botanical Gardens from May 24th to June 15, 2024. Sabino’s oeuvre transcends conventional boundaries, beckoning viewers into a realm where the tangible and the virtual coalesce in harmonious unity.

At the core of Sabino’s magnum opus are his augmented reality (AR) paintings, each a testament to his mastery of blending the static canvas with the dynamic digital world. Through the seamless integration of AR elements, Sabino invites audiences to embark on an enchanting journey, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur with tantalizing allure. As spectators engage with his AR-enhanced artworks, they are transported into a realm where creativity knows no bounds, and every brushstroke becomes a portal to infinite possibilities.

The forthcoming exhibition promises to be a sensory feast, with gallery walls adorned with Sabino’s visionary designs. Each artwork is meticulously crafted, reflecting Sabino’s unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and aesthetics. From the intricacies of his brushwork to the innovative use of AR technology, every aspect of Sabino’s creations speaks to his profound understanding of the transformative power of art.

Yet, Sabino’s project is more than a mere showcase of technical prowess; it is a poignant commentary on the intersection of art and technology in our modern world. Through his work, Sabino challenges prevailing narratives about the dangers of technological progress, offering a nuanced perspective that celebrates its capacity for innovation and beauty. In doing so, he ignites a dialogue about the transformative potential of technology when wielded by creative visionaries.

As the exhibition unfolds, attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Sabino’s captivating world, where art, fashion, and technology converge in a dazzling display of creativity. Alongside Sabino’s artworks, the exhibition will feature contributions from esteemed collaborators, including painter Nana Kwesi Agyare-Ansah and technology expert Rachel Thompson. Additionally, guests will be treated to musical performances by DJ Mood, further enhancing the avant-garde atmosphere of the event.

In essence, Sabino’s project represents a convergence of art and technology that transcends the boundaries of imagination. Through his visionary creations, he invites us to envision a future where technology becomes a catalyst for artistic expression and cultural innovation, inspiring and delighting audiences in equal measure.

Bold Journey Magazine: Meet Georgio Sabino III

We were lucky to catch up with Georgio Sabino III recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Georgio , appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
Family is the bedrock of my resilience. Growing up, surrounded by the love and support of my family, I learned invaluable lessons about strength, perseverance, and the importance of belief systems. My parents instilled in me the core values that guide me through life. They taught me that I have every right to exist, to learn, to love, and to laugh—to revel in the freedoms granted to me as a citizen of the world and a steward of the earth.

Their teachings formed the foundation of my character, shaping me into the person I am today. In times of adversity, it’s the memories of my family’s unwavering support and the values they imparted that empower me to keep going. Their resilience in the face of challenges serves as a constant source of inspiration for me.

So when asked where I get my resilience from, the answer is clear: I draw it from the deep well of familial love and wisdom that has sustained me throughout my life’s journey. It’s a legacy that I carry with me every day, reminding me of my inherent strength and the boundless potential within me. In-which I also shared with my son.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
As an artist and tech innovator, my journey has been a thrilling blend of creativity and cutting-edge technology. Professionally, I wear multiple hats—painter, photographer, fashion designer, and app developer—each aspect allowing me to express my unique vision and make a positive impact on the world.

In the art world, I’ve been honing my craft since declaring my ambition to be a professional artist back in 7th grade. What excites me most about my work is the opportunity to merge traditional art forms with modern technology. Through my fashion line, I integrate augmented reality (AR) into textiles, creating an immersive experience that blurs the lines between the physical and digital realms. It’s a thrilling convergence of art and innovation that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in the fashion industry.

On the tech front, I’m the creator of “GoVia: Rate a Hero,” a groundbreaking app designed to foster safer interactions between law enforcement and the community. This app provides real-time assistance, including mental health support and legal guidance, to both parties during police encounters. By leveraging technology, we’re modernizing the policing and justice space, promoting accountability, transparency, and above all, safety for all involved.

Exciting developments are on the horizon for both my art and tech ventures. In the art world, I’m thrilled to announce my upcoming exhibits at the Botanical Gardens in Cleveland, Ohio, and Deep Roots Art Gallery in May 2024. These showcases will feature my latest creations, showcasing the intersection of art and technology.

In the tech space, “GoVia: Rate a Hero” is making waves in the Google Play Store, and we’re gearing up for our launch on the Apple App Store in May 2024. This expansion will allow us to reach even more users and further our mission of promoting positive interactions between law enforcement and the community.

My professional journey is fueled by a passion for innovation, creativity, and making a difference. Whether through my art or tech endeavors, I’m committed to pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and building a brighter future for all.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Looking back on my journey, three qualities stand out as profoundly impactful: determination, vision, and patience.

Firstly, determination has been my driving force. I’ve learned to never give up, but also to be flexible and pivot when necessary. My advice to those starting out is to cultivate a mindset of resilience. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and never lose sight of your goals, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.

Secondly, having vision is essential. It’s not just about envisioning the end goal but also about using creativity to shape that vision into reality. For those embarking on their journey, I encourage them to explore their imagination freely. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas. Creativity knows no bounds, and it’s often where the most innovative solutions are found.

Lastly, patience has been key. Success rarely happens overnight, and it’s important to be patient with yourself and the process. Take the time to learn and grow, and trust that the right opportunities will come at the right time. To those starting out, I advise them to cultivate a sense of patience and perseverance. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your career. Stay committed to your path, and the rewards will come.

Whether in the art world or the tech space, my approach has always been guided by these principles. For those aspiring to enter either field, I offer this advice: look inward to find your true passion and then pursue it relentlessly. Embrace the journey with love and dedication, knowing that it’s a lifelong commitment. And remember, even when the road gets tough, keep pushing forward. It’s through persistence and dedication that true greatness is achieved.

Alright so to wrap up, who deserves credit for helping you overcome challenges or build some of the essential skills you’ve needed?
Reflecting on my journey, I owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals who have played pivotal roles in shaping my path and helping me overcome challenges along the way.

First and foremost, my teachers have been instrumental in my development. From middle school, where I boldly declared my ambition to become a professional artist, to my time at Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Institute of Art during my master’s studies, each educator left an indelible mark on my growth. Their guidance, encouragement, and sometimes tough love pushed me to expand my understanding of myself and the world around me.

In the business world, I found invaluable mentorship from George Fraser, a true master of connecting the dots. Through his mentorship and the wisdom shared by the myriad of celebrity speakers he brought into my orbit, I gleaned priceless insights that fueled many fruitful conversations and endeavors in my own business ventures.

In the art world, individuals like Hector Vega, Nana Agyare, and Bruce Conforti have been sources of inspiration and guidance. Their passion for their craft and willingness to share their knowledge have inspired me to continually push the boundaries of my own artistic expression.

And then there are those unexpected opportunities that shape our lives in profound ways. As a self-taught professional photographer, my journey took an extraordinary turn when Grammy-winning musician Jill Scott gave me the chance to photograph her concerts across the country. Her trust in my abilities opened doors and expanded my horizons in ways I could have never imagined.

To all those who have played a part in my growth, whether as teachers, mentors, collaborators, or clients, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Each interaction, lesson, and opportunity has contributed to my journey, and I am forever grateful for the support and guidance I have received along the way.

Contact Info:

Summit Artspace’s Artist Launchpad

Let me tell you, creating a business plan in the art world was amazing and thought-provoking. Summit Artspace’s Artist Launchpad program provided me with an immersive and interactive experience that truly supported my growth as an artist. I gained invaluable tools to develop my vision, set achievable goals, and effectively communicate my ideas. The structured format allowed me to connect with fellow artists in the course and learn from local professionals in the industry. Whether you’re a literary, performing, or visual artist, this program has something valuable to offer. I highly recommend applying and taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity!

Summit Artspace's Artist Launchpad
Summit Artspace's Artist Launchpad
Summit Artspace's Artist Launchpad  Georgio Sabino
CANN Magazine Article Summit Artspace's Artist Launchpad and Georgio Sabino
Summit Artspace's Artist Launchpad

Creative Impact Fund Project: Artistic Jungle Series: Georgio Sabino III

Technology advances and changes so very quickly. Artificial intelligence, surveillance and privacy issues are pervasive negative news stories in the media. However, these technological advances also provide wonderful new ways for artists and creators to express themselves. Over the last few years, Georgio Sabino III has worked with adding a technological advancement to the static universe of two-dimensional visual art and fashion design. But these are not ordinary paintings and dresses. They are augmented reality (AR) painting and dresses that come to life when you point your smart phone at them.

The dragonflies, hummingbirds and butterflies fly around the dress and room in a realistic way, creating a magical effect that surprises and delights viewers. You can also interact with them by tapping on your screen or moving your phone closer or farther away. The proposed project will be an art and fashion show where the walls of the gallery space will be filled with art for attendees to view and engage. Once the fashion shows commences, models will wear the artist’s pieces and attendees can watch the show. Even without smart phone access, the show will be vivid and dynamic. Engaging with the augmented reality component of the show will only improve audience enjoyment and the “wow” factor. Fashion pieces will be made primarily of silk with the image screen printed onto the item of clothing.

The show will be scheduled for approximately three months after the project is fully funded. A gallery in the Cleveland area will be selected based on appropriateness and availability. The project will help allay fears about future technology by demonstrating how amazing these tools can be for making art and fashion design even more dynamic.

Please see current examples of how the augmented reality works at the following links:

About the Creative Impact Fund 

The Creative Impact Fund, which was established by the Assembly for the Arts, awarded a total of $6,250 to sixteen (16) artists, art collectives, and informal groups. The fund was designed to provide flexible funding and support for transformative arts projects aimed at redlined communities, developing areas with significant arts activity, and promoting increased walkability. The fund aimed to lay the groundwork for the City of Cleveland’s Rescue & Transformation Plan, which prioritized arts and neighborhood amenities.

Individual artists or art collectives of all expressions, including but not limited to painting, sculpture, photography, film/motion pictures, dance, ballet, theatre, music, comedy/improv, writing/literature, architecture, design, and fashion, were welcome to apply to the Creative Impact Fund. Along with funding, CIF offered professional development, marketing support, and connections to creative, business, and institutional networks. The Creative Impact Fund was funded by Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.

Link to see the site.

The Guild’s Pivotal Role in Amplifying Diverse Voices in Contemporary Art

Written by Tyron Hoisten

In 2020, the tragic killing of George Floyd by police officers led to a tumultuous period in the Minneapolis community where it happened. Lamar Peterson, a local artist specializing in contemporary art, lived close to the epicenter of the unrest. The atmosphere was thick with smoke and tension, making it feel like an apocalyptic scene. Amidst the chaos of protests and looting, Peterson faced another personal challenge: the pandemic-induced lockdown cut off his access to his studio at the University of Minnesota, where he also teaches. For Peterson, who primarily works with oil paints, this was a significant setback. Art serves as his emotional outlet, and being unable to create was a heavy burden.

Fast forward to today, and Peterson has successfully concluded a recent exhibition at Fredericks & Freiser art gallery in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood. The art pieces showcased are a stark contrast to the grim period he experienced in 2020. They feature vibrant landscapes and Black figures, drawing inspiration from the cartoons of the ’70s and ’80s that shaped his childhood. The art serves as a tribute to the transient beauty of life, influenced by his passion for gardening and the recent passing of his father. The exhibition, named “Proud Gardener,” was a commercial success, with artwork prices ranging from $15,000 to $60,000.

Peterson’s journey reflects a broader shift in the art world. Following the events surrounding George Floyd’s death, there has been a noticeable increase in institutional support for Black artists. While the market for Black American artists has grown significantly since 2008, it still represents a small fraction of global auction sales. However, the interest in African American artists is genuine and growing, according to industry experts. This change is part of a larger effort to correct historical oversights and to diversify the artists represented in museums and galleries.

This brings us to the significance of the 2023 “Outlined In Black Art Exhibition,” presented by the Akron Black Artist Guild in partnership with The University of Akron. The exhibition, on display at the Bierce Library from October 14th to November 18th, is a monumental step in the right direction. It serves as a platform for Black artists to showcase their work, thereby contributing to the broader narrative of contemporary art. The exhibition not only offers these artists a chance to gain visibility but also provides the community an opportunity to engage with diverse artistic perspectives.

The Akron Black Artist Guild’s initiative is particularly timely, given the increased attention and support for Black artists. It’s not just about representation; it’s about creating a lineage and legacy. Artists like Kehinde Wiley and Hank Willis Thomas have gained prominence, influencing a new generation of artists. For instance, Xavier Daniels’ recent show “Cry Like a Man” features portraits of Black men in vivid colors, aiming to convey complex emotions and experiences, including the mental health struggles that many Black men face.

The “Outlined In Black Art Exhibition” is more than just a showcase; it’s a statement. It’s a testament to the resilience, creativity, and diversity of Black artists. It serves as a reminder that art can be a powerful tool for social change, for healing, and for celebrating the richness of human experience. In a world that is slowly but surely recognizing the value of diverse voices, this exhibition stands as a beacon for what is possible when those voices are not just heard but celebrated.

Cleveland native Agnes Gund, 84, still pushes boundaries in art and philanthropy, nationally and in her hometown by Steven Litt

At 84, Cleveland native Agnes Gund still pioneers innovative philanthropy blending art and politics
By Steven Litt,
CLEVELAND, Ohio — Few wealthy donors have done more in recent decades to nudge the once-conservative Cleveland Museum of Art to embrace contemporary art than Cleveland native Agnes Gund. But don’t expect the New York-based philanthropist and art advocate to brag about it.
Since 1969, when she donated a large, bright yellow abstract painting by Larry Poons, Gund has given the museum 50 major works by leading post-World War II American artists including Philip Guston, Frank Stella, Donald Sultan, Red Grooms, Claes Oldenburg, Christo, Martin Puryear, Brice Marden, Sol LeWitt, and Robert Colescott.
Those artworks, including Oldenburg’s “Standing Mitt with Ball,’’ a monumental 1973 sculpture of a baseball glove, made with steel, lead, and wood now on view in the museum’s central atrium, have become signature pieces in the institution’s permanent collection.
“Aggie has had a tremendous impact on the Cleveland Museum of Art’s contemporary collection,’’ said Emily Liebert, curator of contemporary art. “For years, she championed contemporary art when no one else was doing that. She really created the foundation on which our department was built.’’
Gund’s generosity to the Cleveland museum is part of her practice over more than five decades of using art and philanthropy to pursue unabashedly progressive aims, including the promotion of social justice and healing racial divisions.
In 2017, for example, Gund made headlines by selling Roy Lichtenstein’s 1962 Pop Art painting,
“Masterpiece,’’ for $165 million, and using $100 million of the proceeds from the sale to launch Art For Justice, a six-year campaign aimed at funding art projects and supporting public policy reforms dedicated to reducing mass incarceration by 20%.
Such largesse has prompted adoring press coverage, including a 2018 profile in The New York Times that ran under the headline, “Is Agnes Gund the Last Good Rich Person?”
But Gund, 84, isn’t one to tout her impact. Instead, she’s more likely to direct attention to artists, foundation leaders, social activists, and fellow philanthropists with whom she feels an affinity.
When asked in a recent interview with and The Plain Dealer whether she felt she has succeeded in pushing the Cleveland Museum of Art to show greater enthusiasm for contemporary art, she said: “Not very much.’’
Instead, she praised Dealer Tire CEO Scott Mueller, who served as chairman of the museum’s board from 2019 to 2022, and who has donated millions of dollars to the museum, plus nearly two dozen important works of contemporary art, since 2008.
Gund called Mueller, “the big man at the Cleveland museum,’’ and said, “he’s the one that’s very good.’’

When told about Gund’s remarks, Mueller responded via text: “No, she is the one who is an inspiration to anyone in the art world. Her commitment to both artists and curators and museum leadership, in general, is extraordinary. I only hope to be 1% as impactful as she has been.’’
It was a typical exchange about Gund. Speaking of her modesty, New York-based artist Hank Willis Thomas said: “It’s just a part of who she is.’’
Known in Cleveland for co-organizing public dialogues as part of a national series called, “For Freedoms,’’ Thomas added that Gund “obviously has spent most of her life orienting her time, energy and resources toward things that she believes are very important. She probably feels beside the point when she is invited to talk about herself.”
Regular visits to Cleveland
Gund, who visits Cleveland regularly, was in town last month to tour the Cleveland Museum of Art’s Community Arts Center on West 25th Street, to meet with Mayor Justin Bibb, and to promote awareness of the local branch of Studio in a School, the art education program she stated in New York in 1977 that places professional artists in public school classrooms. Works by children in the program were on view at the community arts center, located in the Pivot Center for Art, Dance and Expression.
In addition to Cleveland, the Studio Institute, an affiliate of Studio in a School, operates programs in Chicago, Memphis, New York, Philadelphia, Connecticut, and New Jersey. The program served 565 Cleveland Metropolitan School District students across the city in 2020-2021, and 500 in 2022. Professional artists who receive specialized training to participate were paid stipends to work with children in grades K-8.
This year, the Studio Institute has embarked on a new collaboration with the nonprofit Rainey Institute, which provides after-school, weekend, and summer programs for 2,500 children a year.
Gund’s schedule in Cleveland didn’t allow enough time for a conversation during the visit, but she agreed to a follow-up interview via Zoom. It was a chance for her to reflect on her philanthropy, the role Cleveland has played in her life, and vice versa.
Gund is the second of six children born to Cleveland banker and philanthropist George Gund II, the longtime head of Cleveland Trust, and Jessica Roesler Gund.
Other siblings closely involved with Cleveland have included the late George Gund III, a collector of Japanese art and a former trustee of the Cleveland Museum of Art; investor Gordon Gund, former owner of the Cavaliers; and architect Graham Gund, a graduate of Kenyon College and designer of the Cleveland Botanical Garden’s 2003 Glass House expansion.
Agnes Gund’s daughter Catherine, a filmmaker, chairs the board of the Cleveland-based foundation named for her grandfather, on which she serves along with five other family members from her generation. The foundation had assets of $642 million as of 2021, the latest year for which data were available.
Catherine also recently directed a 90-minute documentary about her mother, titled, “Aggie: An Incredible Story of Art and Justice.”

In 2015, Forbes magazine estimated the Gunds’ wealth at $3.4 billion, dubbing them a
“Renaissance family” for their involvement in everything from banking to sports, real estate, and art.
Rising in art and philanthropy
Agnes Gund joined the board of the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1976 and later earned a master’s degree in art history at Harvard. She served as MOMA’s board president from 1991 to 2002, a period in which she led the $858 million capital campaign that financed an expansion and renovation designed by Japanese architect Yoshio Taniguchi.
Gund was moved in 2017 to auction Lichtenstein’s “Masterpiece,” after seeing Ava DuVernay’s documentary, “13th,” which explores how inequities of the U.S. justice system and mass incarceration disproportionately affect Black people.
The nonprofit Art for Justice Fund, launched by Gund with a major chunk of the proceeds, supported a dozen major exhibitions nationwide aimed at raising awareness about the justice system. The project also helped to abolish cash bail and post-conviction fees in New Orleans, Houston, and St. Louis, and to make it possible starting in 2018 for former felons to vote in Florida. Even so, Florida laws remain ambiguous, leaving nearly a million Floridians who have finished prison disenfranchised, according to news reports.
Incarceration rates fell nationally by 18% between 2016 and 2021, but rose when the coronavirus pandemic hit, increasing crime and prison populations, said Art for Justice project manager Helena Huang. The project is winding down on June 30, having raised and spent $125 million.
In October, Gund followed up on Art For Justice by selling Lichtenstein’s “Mirror #5,’’ 1970, at auction for $3.1 million to benefit organizations supporting the reproductive rights constitutional ballot measure in Michigan, which passed by a margin of more than 55% of votes cast.
In her interview, Gund said she’s alarmed by the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overruling Roe v. Wade, which sent the issue of abortion rights back to states, where majority-Republican legislatures are rolling back reproductive rights.
“Before you know it, there will be very few states that do have full reproductive rights for women,” she said. “We really need to vote and be concerned about who we’re voting for.’’
When asked about the push by Republican state legislators in Ohio to hold an August vote on a ballot issue to impose a 60% threshold on votes to change the state constitution — a move designed to thwart an abortion-rights referendum in November —she said: “I think it’s terrible, I think it’s awful.’’
She’s also disturbed by “anti-woke” legislation pushed by Florida Gov. and Republican presidential primary candidate Ron DeSantis, including a 2022 measure that imposes guidelines for books with content deemed inappropriate on grounds of race, sexuality, gender, and depictions of violence.
Gund said the bill is leading to censorship, which “is going to be the death knell of our system if we don’t get a hold of it and reverse it.”
Amid the growing national division over race, policing, and vigilantism, Gund said she fears for the safety of the six of her 12 grandchildren who are Black.

“I feel scared for them a lot of the times if they are wearing hoodies,’’ she said. “I don’t know if they know how vulnerable they are.”
Gund explained her passion for social justice as a response to her upbringing in Cleveland, which she called “a city that really was polarized.’’
During Sunday drives into Cleveland with her family from Beachwood to worship at Trinity Cathedral, Gund was disturbed by the poverty she glimpsed through the car window in racially segregated neighborhoods.
“Nobody should be put in the position that Blacks have been put,’’ she said.
Diversifying a museum collection
One of the subtle ways in which Gund has worked to change perceptions of race in Cleveland is by giving the art museum works by Black artists including Puryear, Colescott, and Rashid Johnson.
Gund works hard at obtaining such objects, Johnson said, speaking from his studio in the Brooklyn, New York neighborhood of Bushwick.
In 2021, he set aside a massive wall-mounted mosaic, “Standing Broken Men’’ as a pivotal piece that he didn’t intend to sell. The work depicts fragmented bodies of two Black men stand ing above a boat-like form. He intended the image to evoke “being in the same boat,’’ in a time of “collective concern,’’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the painting refers, he said,
to “autonomy and individual thinking.’’
When Gund showed up 45 minutes early for a studio visit as part of a larger group so she could spend time alone with Johnson, she recognized the significance of “Standing Broken Men’’ in Johnson’s career and told him on the spot that she wanted to buy it for the Cleveland Museum of Art. Would he part with it?
“It was an easy yes at that point,’’ Johnson said. “She wasn’t asking for herself. It was essentially,
‘Can everyone see this?’ For most artists, I would like to think the answer would be yes. To produce the opportunity for people to have access to an artwork the way she was intending at the museum, it was impossible not to say yes.”
Gund’s donation of some 800 objects to the Museum of Modern Art, dwarfs the number of gifts she has given to the Cleveland museum. But that doesn’t diminish the impact of her contributions to her hometown museum, which is considerable.
She’s been generous, in part, because she believes the museum is one of the best in the U.S., and she wants to keep pushing it forward. She feels that it isn’t getting the attention it deserves from outside the region, especially from major coastal newspapers.
“I don’t think they ever get enough play,’’ she said.
And, despite the large number of artworks she’s already donated in Cleveland, she has no intention of stopping. She has plans for significant future gifts, although for now, she’s mum on the topic.
But rest assured, she said, “there’s quite a bit that’s coming their way.”

Dear Aggie Gund

I hope this letter finds you well. As an art teacher at the Studio Institute in Cleveland, I wanted to take a moment to express my deep admiration for your incredible contributions to the world of art and philanthropy. Your unwavering commitment to using art as a means of promoting social justice and healing racial divisions is truly inspiring.

Your generosity towards the Cleveland Museum of Art has had a profound impact on our institution, particularly in pushing us to embrace contemporary art. Your support has opened doors for artists and audiences alike, fostering a space where progressive ideas can flourish. We are incredibly grateful for your dedication to nurturing a thriving artistic community.

I was particularly moved by your initiative, Art For Justice, which aims to reduce mass incarceration through art projects and public policy reforms. The $100 million you allocated from the sale of Roy Lichtenstein’s “Masterpiece” has allowed for the funding of crucial initiatives. It is through efforts like yours that we can address social issues and create positive change in our society.

At the Studio Institute, we strive to empower young minds through art education. The collaboration between our program and the Rainey Institute has provided invaluable after-school, weekend, and summer programs for 2,500 children each year. By partnering with professional artists who receive specialized training, we ensure that our students receive top-notch instruction and guidance.

Last year, I had the pleasure of teaching at Mary B. Martin, where the students had the opportunity to display their artwork at Christie NYC. Witnessing their joy and excitement as they saw their creations showcased in such a prestigious setting was truly heartwarming. Their smiles were contagious, and it was evident that their hard work and dedication had paid off. From watercolor to model clay, painting to ink, charcoal to oil pastels, and self-portraits, their artistic range was impressive.

Teaching the principles of art and design to our K-8 students not only provides them with a solid foundation but also encourages them to think creatively and break the rules as they grow older. It is through this process that we nurture their artistic expression and enable them to explore different genres. In Shawn Kerns’ class, for example, the children have discovered a passion for clay animation projects, showcasing their boundless imagination and talent.

The enthusiasm and dedication of our students are a testament to the impact of art education on their lives. They eagerly make up missed classes because they don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to learn and create. Witnessing their growth and witnessing their artistic journeys is a constant source of inspiration for us as teachers.

Once again, Aggie Gund, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your contributions to the art world and the lives of so many individuals. Your dedication to promoting social justice through art is truly remarkable. Your impact reaches far beyond the Cleveland Museum of Art, and I am honored to be part of a larger movement that you have helped shape. Thank you for all that you do.

I wanted to take a moment to share with you another endeavor I am involved in, one that extends beyond my role as an art teacher. I am currently working on creating an app called Govia, which aims to provide assistance to individuals, particularly those who are economically disadvantaged, when they encounter legal issues during a traffic stop.

The app seeks to promote accountability between individuals and police officers by offering immediate access to legal representation in moments of need. By providing an attorney on-demand, we aim to facilitate constructive conversations between the parties involved, fostering understanding and resolution. Additionally, recognizing the importance of mental health, we also offer access to a mental health support staff for individuals who require such assistance.

I invite you to visit to learn more about the app and its objectives. Your support would be greatly appreciated, and you have the opportunity to become one of our legacy donors. Your contribution would help us further develop and expand the reach of the app, enabling us to provide crucial support to individuals in need.

Thank you for taking the time to consider our initiative. Your dedication to promoting social justice and using art as a tool for positive change has been truly inspiring. I believe that Govia aligns with the values you hold dear, and I would be honored to have your support.

Artist’s Launchpad Akron Ohio Program GS3 Speech

Hello my name is Georgio Sabino III I am an Artist!

Within my artistic practice, I explore four distinct perspectives that shape my work: the adventurous spirit of GS3, the curious eyes of seventh-grade, the serious demeanor of businessmen, and the visionary thinker or futurists. These diverse facets have influenced my body of work, where color and shape intertwine to create a captivating experience on canvas or silk. To embrace the present and the advancements of technology, I incorporate augmented reality (AR) experiences, making my work interactive and engaging for contemporary society.

My ultimate goal is to encourage viewers to slow down and become an integral part of the artwork, allowing them to truly immerse themselves and appreciate the layers, perspectives, and celebration of nature. By providing an opportunity for the viewers to “smell the roses,” I hope to create a profound and contemplative experience. Nature, being a true wonder of the world, serves as the focal point of my art, reminding us of our interconnectedness with the delicate ecosystem we originate from.

Art, much like foreplay, demands active involvement, observation, and comprehension. It should not only be admired for its beauty but also for the intricate and delicate ecosystem it represents. By slowing down and attentively listening to nature, we can uncover the answers that lie right in front of us.

  1. Throughout the Artist Launchpad program, what surprised me the most about myself was my unwavering focus on my passion for creation and my ability to effectively document and share my artistic vision.
  2. I am currently experiencing success by participating in a major show in Cleveland, with another exhibition scheduled for 2024. However, I anticipate further success when I can showcase my work in Paris and New York City.
  3. As an artist, my primary values are rooted in five key principles that shape my artistic practice. I value creativity, seeking inspiration from artists like Basquiat, blending the unexplored to create novel techniques and ideas. Authenticity is essential to me, drawing influence from Romare Bearden, as it allows my work to reflect my multicultural background. I strive for a profound connection between my art and its audience, similar to Francisco Goya’s work. Lastly, I firmly believe in utilizing my art to make a positive impact on individuals and society, as demonstrated in my graduate thesis addressing important issues and inspiring change called Educational Genocide.
  4. Over the next 3-5 years, I have set three goals or intentions as an artist. Firstly, I aim to teach at a fashion school in Paris. Secondly, I intend to establish a presence in Paris with my art and wedding photography. Lastly, I aspire to organize an art and fashion show in the city, incorporating augmented reality (AR). Achieving these goals will require coordinating with the school, securing resources for teaching, investing in photography equipment, continually building my portfolio, marketing my services, obtaining funding for the show, and forming strategic partnerships. Exploring funding opportunities and collaborating with local artists and organizers will be crucial in attaining these objectives.
  5. My artistic practice possesses three unique elements: the fusion of nature, technology, painting, and photography; the observation of fashion trends and the expression of women’s desires; and the creation of mystery and excitement. These elements can be leveraged to communicate about my art in various ways. Through exhibitions and fashion shows, I can showcase the fusion of different mediums, emphasizing the connection between art and fashion. Engaging with the audience through feedback and social media platforms will allow me to involve them in the artistic process. By effectively communicating these unique elements, I can establish a strong brand and identity to attract a wider audience, positioning myself as an innovative artist at the intersection of art, technology, and fashion.
  • I gained several significant takeaways from the program that I would like to share. Firstly, the program emphasized the immense value of sharing knowledge and experiences through interactions with speakers and fellow artists. This exchange of ideas and insights provided a rich learning experience and underscored the importance of networking.

Secondly, the program highlighted the significance of building a supportive community of artists and nonprofits. Collaborating and uplifting one another fosters inspiration, growth, and mutual success within the artistic community. I found great value in being able to share what I have learned with other artists, whether it was through class discussions or by showcasing my work at the UH Trudy Wiesenberger Gallery. These experiences allowed me to provide firsthand insight into the business side of being an artist and engage my audience effectively.

Lastly, this program has refocused and refined my knowledge and skills, enhancing my artistic practice. It has nurtured my creativity and reinforced the importance of having a supportive artistic community. By participating in this program, I have gained valuable tools to express myself effectively on paper and fostered a deeper understanding of the inherent value of collaboration and support in the arts.

Unveiling the Sculpture & Community Celebration, “Reaching for the Stars,” in Fennville by Hector Vega

Fennville, MI – The picturesque town of Fennville, known for its rolling hills and thriving wineries, has become a hot spot for tourists seeking a breath of fresh air and a taste of its flourishing agriculture. In a celebration of the local immigrant community, an art event dedicated to honoring those who pick fruits and vegetables in the area took place on Saturday, May 6th. The focal point of the event was the unveiling of a magnificent 12-foot aluminum sculpture, “Reaching for the Stars,” located at the Fennville Library. The entire community came together to rally around this profound work of art, which symbolizes gratitude and appreciation for the immigrants’ vital contributions.

Hector Vega, a highly acclaimed artist renowned for the depth and emotional impact of his works, designed “Reaching for the Stars.” Hector received a well-deserved applause and the attention, the attendees eagerly awaited Hector’s speech to thank the community “This is for all the hardworking people my people who bring the fruits and vegetables to the table,” Dennis the president of the board shared “its great to see everyone here,” and went on sharing the community business and the blessing of Fennville.

 The Commercial Record ( featuring a captivating photograph of Hector Vega working on the sculpture and article. The Saugatuck Douglas Fennville Arts Initiative (SDFAI) worked diligently on this project, and the article shared Hector Vega’s research included meeting immigrant farmers to understand the local dynamic deeply. Hector expressed, “Your voice has been heard while designing the work of art,” showcasing his commitment to honoring the community’s experiences and stories through his artwork.

The sculpture dedication took place at 400 W Main Street, attracting a massive crowd from 6 pm to 9 pm. Mary Jo Lemanski spearheaded this project, emphasizing the collective effort it took to bring it to life she shared “It took community…unity for this to come together.” The Saugatuck Douglas Fennville Arts Initiative, in collaboration with the City of Fennville and the Fennville District Library, extended an invitation to the community to join them at the sculpture dedication ceremony. The event featured a captivating performance by the Fennville band Grupo Fierro, adding a lively ambiance to the festivities. Additionally, the library housed additional paintings by Hector Vega, offering visitors a comprehensive glimpse into his artistic style.

The ceremony was a delightful celebration among friends, as expressed by one patron, while patrons marveled at the event’s ability to uplift the community, particularly its immigrants. Excitement filled the air, evident in the cheers and awe that accompanied the sculpture’s unveiling. The blue tarp carefully wrapped around the sculpture was finally removed, revealing its magnificence to the eagerly waiting crowd. Dennis, the president of the board, expressed his joy at seeing everyone gathered, while also highlighting sculpture. Everyone was eager to see the second band act and explore the art exhibit downstairs. Several pieces were sold even before, during, and after the event, highlighting the audience’s appreciation for Hector Vega’s remarkable artwork. The art show will remain on display at the library but whispered could find its way to Fernwood art store and maybe floating to other establishments.

The local “must-have” band entertained the audience throughout the event, both before and during the unveiling. Their exceptional performance extended inside the library, where guests were treated to their best musical offerings. One notable highlight was an eleven-year-old musician who showcased their talent by playing several instruments, including an impressive saxophone solo. The Downstairs, dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to create a memorable experience for attendees. They even coordinated a delightful dinner provided by several local establishments, including Salt of the Earth, known for their famous fish tacos. The chef, pleased with the positive response, expressed their satisfaction, stating, “I shared how to put these ingredients together,” further strengthening the sense of community through shared experiences and culinary delights.

Georgio Sabino III played a crucial role in the event, providing his expertise in photography, augmented reality, and drone services to document this historic moment. Among the highlights was a captivating video presentation showcasing the city from a unique drone perspective. The drone soared to great heights, capturing breathtaking views of the horizon while capturing the essence of the gathering. The video also featured glimpses of downtown, the event itself, and the overall spirit of the Fennville community. The collaboration between Georgio Sabino III and Hector Vega’s artwork was masterfully highlighted in this visual documentation.

The event was undoubtedly a resounding success, thanks in large part to the dedication and hard work of the volunteers. Their meticulous attention to detail, from the beautifully arranged flowers to setting the perfect festive mood, contributed to making the party in Fennville truly unforgettable. The community owes them a debt of gratitude for their commitment and outstanding efforts. Bravo to all involved!
